

Okay, so I think I've come to an official decision about this project. as much as it pains me to do this, I can't continue with the weekly schedule of Project 52. Recently in my personal life I have become VERY busy, and trying to come up with new ideas EVERY week for the project is becoming exhausting. I just received a full time paid internship with Canada Revenue Agency, so unfortunately it will cut back on time for the project.

As of today, Project 52 is done. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M DONE MAKING NEW MUSIC! I will still be making new stuff through the year, just a little slower. the songs I have done for the project so far will be released soon enough, so no worries. I just have to finish mixing some tunes and re-tag all of them.

Long story short, I failed Project 52. It can't be helped though, it is beyond my control. Sorry.