
A few updates

Hey everyone.

I just realized I don't get around to this too often, and for that I apologize. Well okay, if you haven't noticed, I did put up a new 5 song EP called "Without Voice". Added that back in March, and had the help of Brad Cheeseman (of Like Clouds) and Shane Lannigan (of That Boy Ain't Right) for a couple of tracks. And speaking of TBAR, they're a really kick ass metal band in Hamilton Ontario. They in the running to play with the Cancer Bats in London England, and this could open so many doors for them, so if you could just do a quick favour and vote for them here >> www.supernova.com/events/11285/wildcardvoting/share/thatboyaintright

then that would be absolutely fantastic.

Anyways, I am considering some shows, but I need to equipment, and the live band to back me up. So over the next while I will be definitely looking into some new equipment and recruiting some people, and once things get going, shows will definitely be coming soon after.

Also, I have been kind of playing around with some new sounds/ideas for a while, and slightly changing direction. Not too much though, but something I feel is getting to be more of my comfort zone. I wouldn't really go by what you hear in "Without Voice" as the start of the new direction, seeing as those were some quickly belted out tunes for my failed "Project 52". But it'll be a while anyways before you hear even a whisper of what I'm playing with. In the mean time, enjoy the present songs, and hopefully sometime later this year, i can be playing shows.

That's all I got for now, so take care.