

Just thought I'd let you all know, I'm on Twitter now (for what ever reason).

You can add me... or... follow me, what ever dumba ss terms they use.

My Twitter


Crisis Averted

Okay, disregard that last blog I made, things are fine now.

Back to my regular scheduled practice.

Oh shit...

Have you ever had one of those days where you're cleaning out your computer, then you realise you just deleted a lot of important things?

I don't feel to good now, I'm gonna go lay down and figure this out.

Guess I should start practicing...

Okay, so I have my 2 keyboards, two microphones (one which is used for effects), my Kaoss pad, my vox box, 2 amps, my mixer, my fast tracker, my lap top, a distortion pedal, and a shit load of wires.

Yep, I would say it's time to practice.