
Website is going crazy!

So I spent a great deal of time yesterday discovering some tools on my website builder that I've never looked at before, and wne tcrazy and added a bunch of new things. Two major updates to the site include the Widgets page which shows my feeds from Twitter, Youtube, Blogger, Reverbnation, and Facebook. The second big updates is a new experimental thing I have going on called "25:17 fans". Signing up is free, and it gives you the benefits of Hear new and rare tracks long before it hits any other site, seeing new videos before they are uploaded to Youtube or a Vlog, getting to view new pictures and ideas for album art before it hits anywhere else, and also a new/rumors portion that has small clippets of things I don't normally tweet or blog about, and sometimes there's some pretty interesting things to be said.

I am thinking of adding more, but it's still a new concept to me, so it will take time. There is also a forum widget on the fan page where you can interact with me and other people. I understand it will probably be empty for a while, but it's okay, it'll build over time. Also, it's only a small page for now, but I do plan on expanding it within the next while, so give me time.

So go on over to www.2517.mfbiz.com and check it out!