
I'm back!

Hello everyone.

If you haven't noticed, I've kept myself quiet for a while now, with the passing of my grandmother in mid October made me just want to stay quiet. But I feel as though at this point I'm ready to continue. Although the pain hasn't completely subsided, I feel comfortable enough to start the music up again.

So over the last few days I have been doing a massive clean up on my lap top in hopes of making it run faster, and I am glad to say it has picked it self up enough to help me! Also, I've found ways of getting my houses main computer in on the action, so it makes the process easier.

Now, with the clean up of the lap top, I had to get rid of MANY files, encluding the entire first Cluster, but that's not a problem, things are coming to me and I think that they are sounding fantastic. So as of today I have begun production on the next prject which is the "Cluster: 1" EP. I will continue to work on it through the coming weeks until it is complete!

Also, I have looked back at Reborn, and have seen the formats I have put them in (96, 128, 256, 320), and now to add to that, I will be making Reborn and Cluster 1 also available in WAV format and in 5.1 Surround. I'm still figuring out FLAC, so give me time. So the Reborn in WAV and 5.1 should be done fairly soon, and the Cluster is still in it's birthing phase, so give that time as well.

Big update today! Vlog surely to follow soon to monitor progress, I noticed the last one was made in July, so I'll fix that soon enough.

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