
Week 7 of 52

I realize how behind I really am on this project, mainly because there is something like 3 incomplete songs. Song 2 is still in the hands of Shane, but I may have to get to it myself if I don't hear any ideas, mainly because the deadline is fast approaching. Song 5 is just about done completely, and Song 6 should be pretty easy. Now starting Song 7 this week, I honestly don't know what I'm doing for it. I'm fairly certain ideas will come along shortly.

As mentioned, the deadline is fast approaching. The first EP is set to be released on March 1st, so I got to plan this out right. Things in my personal life are getting busy, so sometimes I find it hard to keep up. I'm currently in the running for an internship that has been consuming much of my time. Also I find myself with the first stages of a cold right now, so it has definitely slowed me down a bit. This week as promised I will be releasing song 1 in its entirety, plus a couple more preview tracks. But until I have more of song 5 done, I only have one other song to preview right now. song 1 will definitely be out today though (Tuesday February 15th). Please check in with the facebook or twitter page to find the song, also it will appear on the MySpace and Reverb nation page.

That's all I got right now, I have work to do.

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